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The treehouse files.
A war has started! People are getting drafted with barely any training. The enemy seems to be winning. They blew up copper town. I think  I am going to move to K Cavern. K Cavern is not letting people in. When I tried they said no one was able to enter.  
The war has ended, people are a lot more peaceful and the copper town is being repaired. 
A rift just appeared, and a building also appeared around it. Guards are surrounding it I wonder what it leads to? 
The guards seem to be some government level people. They look to be working for the president.
Some people have tried to enter but most get pushed back, but some get in. 

People who get in are merchants and those who leave are merchants as well, 
Some weird people are moving into our villages. They have flags that we are not familiar with. So maybe the rift leads to another country.

Several things have happened. First, some giant canons appeared. They have not done much but I am worried about who is in control of them? Second, a railroad appeared to another nation and it is underwater. There is also a weird white sphere along the way.
Something big has happened now there are three nations, one is speculative, but the others are real and we know about them.  First, there is a nation named the mainland . They seem to be strong. They do not seem to do anything with the rift. Second is the nation called the woodlands . They are trying to become independent and be able to participate in world events and discussions.  For example banning certain weapons, but the main lands do not want them to be able to so the woodlands leader will duel the mainlands leader and depending on who wins the woodlands might not be able to participate. 
Now I said something about a nation that is speculative that nation appears to be on the other side of the rift.I think. Also the white hole it is now closer to the village and seems to be on top of a shrine.  

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